
Common Purpose helps implement EU backed ID cards for Scottish Youth

Typical example of Common Purpose at work pushing the new socio-political agenda via children. This time it is an electronic smart card that's being introduced by the Scottish Executive, Young Scot, Local Councils and other organisations with the aim of enabling you to access all kinds of services with just one piece of plastic. In Glasgow, the card will have a Glasgow City Council logo and PASS (Proof of Age Standard Scheme) Hologram on the front, along with your photo, name and date of birth.

Common Purpose trained James (Jamie) Rennie Paedophile previously with Scottish LGBT.

Sky News article reports on James Rennie and Scottish paedophile gang. Rennie was a Common Purpose graduate. Synopsis: "On the surface, Neil Strachan and James Rennie held down good jobs and were trusted members of the community. But the pair, both from Edinburgh, had a shared interest in youngboys and had collected some of the worst child abuse images ever
seen by police experts. They were also responsible for the abuse of very young children - one as young as three months old.

CP Interfering with public Freedom of Information requests - letter to Fife Constabulary

Letter believed to be from Carolyn Duckworth CP Operations Officer to Peter Wilson Chief Constable Fife Constabulary giving instructions as "how the police should deal with Freedom of Information FOI requests from the general public". Note blacked out information before release by the police. The public are fully entitled to ask about police expenditure on CP, and CP has no right to block this process. Note also that CP stress that information held by Advisory Group members is a matter for their own personal records.

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