Please read the latest excellent article 'One World Governance - A Common Purpose' by Martin Edwards of the UKColumn. In recent years, political charity Common Purpose has made great efforts to expand its work and operations overseas, seeing itself as a champion of the creation of a new...
Following the exposure of Common Purpose in the Leveson Inquiry and the subsequent campaign to gag the press and media in Britain via the Media Standards Trust and their offshoot the Hacked Off Campaign, Common Pupose and leaders Sir David Bell and Julia MIddleton seem to have disappeared.
...Recent articles in the mainstream press and media concerning Common Purpose and Leveson have tried to suggest that Common Purpose is an old-boys network of the left. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Common Purpose infects all mainstream political parties including the...
For those still harbouring doubts as to the real agenda of Common Purpose, the Daily Mail exposure on Friday 16 November 2012 caught Common Purpose in the fallout of a nuclear blast. This was a mega explosion that Sir David Bell and Julia Middleton CP had originally helped to plan and trigger in...
Julia Middleton CEO of Common Purpose has announced that CP is closing down operations in Holland due to a lack of interest....
"'It is with great sadness I report that Common Purpose in the Netherlands has closed down. In the current climate in the Netherlands, the open courses...
Prison Planet has posted an excellent article exposing the creation of a website for the "9/11 London project" which includes downloadable lesson plans for teachers. The program is designed "to teach schoolchildren in Britain about the events of 9/11 and "demolish conspiracy...
Julia Middleton has been especially busy recently trying to prop up the illusion that Common Purpose is doing well. At the elitest end of the scale Common Purpose expert idiots David Cameron and Patten (new head of the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation otherwise known as the BBC) are driving the...
Documents obtained by the Sunday Mirror show three Whitehall departments hired an organisation to "translate" the Big Society to officials. They attended brainstorming sessions and team-building exercises in a "collaboration laboratory" run by Common Purpose.
The Home...
Aside from the corrupt fraudulent and bankrupt international bankers that Common Purpose likes to promote as 'leaders' in our society, CP has been proud to boast and host Sir Hugh Orde President of ACPO as a top level 'leader' on their Leader's Questions programme. See the Daily Mail link...
“… certain segments of the population must be programmed to be robotic drones, incapable or unwilling to think on their own. In this scenario, the ‘individual’ is the enemy of the state. Individual thinking and choice are not conducive to ‘peace and progress’ and not permitted. Only...
On 3rd jan 2011 the Independent newspaper reported on the Tory Cabinet Office Behavioural Insight Team. This secretive little group has been set up to devise psychological initiatives to manipulate people\'s behaviour - also known as reframing. Interesting that this little vipers nest should be...
We understand that members of the public are alleging that Common Purpose is refusing to provide copies of their Public and Professional Indemnity Certificates. Surely they are legally obliged to do so?
... is up and running despite the recent attempt by Caroline Duckworth Common Purpose to threaten the Host Site to take eutruth down. We also understand that Common Purpose is now having to conduct 'Reputation Management' sessions for CP...
CP Canada?
Thank you taffy for the following short research showing Common Purpose doctrine emerging in Canada. Please remember that the idea is to 'reframe' young people into the new socialist world order using behavioural modification. NLP usually forms the baseline technique for...
Louise Teboul promoted to Operations Director at West Midlands ...
Paedophiles in Common Purpose secretive networks
Before reading the following article regarding a vicious paedophile and sadist, consider that this man was selected by Common Purpose as a role model 'future leader of society'. Appointed to the local Common Purpose Advisory Group,...
We understand that Caroline Duckworth of Common purpose is attempting to silence and bring down website by attacking the web host. Apparently Common Purpose is unhappy with material posted concerning them. Just how is this so called charity...
Sarah Ebanja
Sarah has recently retired from her posst as LDA Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director Jobs, Skills and Youth.
Rumours circulating are alleging that Phillip Davies MP has been 'leaned on' to stop him looking into expenditure by the public sector on Common Purpose. Having done some good work in digging out expenditure to date, it would be no surprise if pro Common Purpose elements within the Tory Cabinet...
Word is emerging that Common Purpose is now buried in the Tory Cabinet Office tasked to 're-frame' or achieve a 'Culture- Change' in the top 200 Civil servants. How did Common Purpose manage to do this? How is a NuLabour political charity able to work inside the heart of the Tory administration...
Site visitors are encouraged to read the appraisal of Brock Chisholm's "The Reestablishment of Peacetime Society" which proposes that the whole of society should be changed..."for the better" by destroying the "mistaken old ways of our elders", and replacing it with a new society of "mature,...
Common Purpose accounts 2008-9 apparently show a loss of circa £130,000 and 2009-10 a £27,000 loss. To cover their losses Common Purpose would appear to be using profits from the Limited Company Civilia. Civilia was originally a licensing company for Common Purpose but it would now appear that...
It is understood that in recent weeks Julia Middleton has been in direct communication with Frances Maude MP Conservative Central Office begging for work to assist Maude to achieve a culture change. Which culture is to be changed? That of the Conservatives (1922 Committee perhaps?) or that of...
A kind reader has informed us that Common Purpose is in dire straights in Cornwall. Apparently despite their graduate networks, insiders, and best efforts CP Cornwall is failing to pull in enough new graduates and training fees....yes.....they have not sucked in enough of own taxes and public...
Cpexposed has been informed that Common Purpose has been sacking Regional Directors, possibly including Alex Geldart who was a key asset in tracking members of the public asking Freedom of Information requests. We understand that some 20 Directors could have been sacked although this figure has...
We have just watched a May 2010 Election shambles on an unprecedented scale. The woman heading the shambles is Jenny Watson. Here is a quote from mail on Sunday and a summary CV:
"Woman in charge of Electoral Commission is long-term agitator for electoral 'reform'
She once...
Matthew Byrne was a Common Purpose Advisory Board member Merseyside and a paedophile who also enjoyed torturing prostitutes. Surprisingly he was also a Lib Dem Councillor Candidate. More surprising though is that he should be photographed rubbing shoulders with David Cameron the Conservative...
Common Purpose has again tried to intimidate and bully our web host into taking down the site. Again Common Purpose is alleging breach of copyright for material that is already in the public domain, has been paid for by the public purse and is of major public interest. Meanwhile Common Purpose...
D Miliband: \\\"The Change We Need is a coalition of common purpose\\\"
Please watch this short video "Psychological Subversion of a Nation" A KGB trained man describes the process through which a nation can be attacked and taken over by psychological subversion. First demoralisation...