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Name Course Date Course Location Course Namesort descending Job Title Location Organisation
Mason, Dan Birmingham Profile- Autumn 2004 Director birmingham Heart and Mind -, Birmingham
Miah, Monir FrontRunner 2005 Frontrunner participant birmingham
Moorhouse, Ben Navigator England November 2002 IS Delivery - Customer Coordinator birmingham National Grid Transco, Warwick
Newton, Kate FrontRunner 2005 Frontrunner participant birmingham
Norman, Sarah Birmingham Profile 2003 Regional Director birmingham Commission for Social Care and Inspection, Birmingham
O'Connell, Anne West Midlands Navigator 2005 Customer Service Executive Officer birmingham DVLA, Worcester
Olanrewaju, Olu 20:20 - 2004 Executive Director birmingham Keynote Group, Birmingham
Orgee, Will London Navigator 2000 birmingham Barclays PLC, Birmingham - Colmore Row
Rawlinson, Janette Coventry Profile 2004 Director birmingham Just Real Solutions, Birmingham
Sabir, Ataf FrontRunner 2005 Frontrunner participant birmingham
Service, Benjamin West Midlands Navigator 2005 Department Manager birmingham John Lewis Partnership, Solihull
Shariat, Rokneddin West Midlands Navigator 2004 Regeneration & Inclusion Manager birmingham Birmingham Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Birmingham
Sheehan, Frank 20:20 - 1998 Deputy Chief Fire Officer birmingham West Midlands Fire Service, Birmingham - Lancaster Circus
Smallman, Antoinette Birmingham Profile- Autumn 2004 Equal Programme Co-ordinator birmingham Learning + Skills Council, Birmingham
Smith, Sam West Midlands Navigator 2005 Content Editor birmingham University of Birmingham, Birmingham
Spooner, Paul 20:20 - 2003 birmingham English Partnerships, Warrington
Tobin, Elly Birmingham Profile- Autumn 2004 Director birmingham College for International Citizenship, Birmingham
Trickett, Simon West Midlands Navigator 2005 Business Development Manager birmingham Centro, Birmingham
Weeks, Tim Birmingham Profile- Autumn 2004 Secretary/Chief Executive birmingham West Midlands Reserve Forces & Cadets Association -, West Midlands
White, Gideon West Midlands Navigator 2004 School Manager, Business School birmingham University of Birmingham, Birmingham - Edgbaston
Winser, Sarah West Midlands Navigator 2005 PR Manager birmingham Core Marketing & Events Limited, Birmingham
Winzer, Rachel FrontRunner 2005 Frontrunner Participant birmingham
Young, Robin 20:20 - 2001 Director of Business Systems birmingham Birmingham Midshires, Wolverhampton
Barton, Andrew South East Navigator 2005 Regional Planner berks South East England Regional Assembly, Guildford
Bellman, Mike Berkshire Profile 2005 Customer Retention Business Partner berks Prudential plc, Reading
Bevan, Paul 20:20 - 2004 Chief Executive berks South East England Regional Assembly, Guildford
Binning, Jaskaran South East Navigator 2004 Web Manager berks RAISE, Guildford
Bridges, Andrew 20:20 - 1999 HM Chief Inspector of Probation at the Home Office berks HM Inspectorate of Probation, London
Cowell, Jenny Your Turn Residential 2004 Student berks
Crook, Jane Wear Profile 2005 Community Manager berks CitiFinancial Europe Plc, Reading
Dinh, Truong-Chinh FrontRunner 2005 Frontrunner Participant berks
Lee, Angela Berkshire Profile 2005 Chief Executive berks Bicycle Helmet Iniative Trust, Reading
Lenz, Philip Cardiff Profile Sept 2005 Director of HR berks City and County of Cardiff, Cardiff - County Hall
Mansfield, Jane 20:20 - 2000 Corporate Project Manager berks Prudential plc, Reading
Nicholson, Nikki South East Navigator 2004 Regional Planner berks South East England Regional Assembly, Guildford
Novak, Janet Berkshire Profile 2005 Locality Manager: Bracknell Forest, Slough, Windsor & Maidenhead berks Government Office for the South East, Guildford
Raikes, Sue 20:20 - 2001 Chief Executive berks Thames Valley Partnership, Aylesbury
Rees, Gareth London Spring Navigator 2005 Broadband Local Customer Manager berks BT - Reading TEL EXCH, Reading
Robertson, Peter 20:20 - 2005 Managing Editor berks BBC Monitoring, Reading
Robinson, Chris 20:20 - 2004 Chief Executive berks CHASE Children's Hospice Service, Guildford
Russell, Norman 20:20 - 2000 Archdeacon of Berkshire berks Diocese of Oxford, Oxford
Smith, Stephanie Navigator - 1999 Business Planning Manager berks
Taylor, Lisa Navigator England April 2002 Programme Manager berks Trailblazers, Feltham
Watkins, Peter 20:20 - 2004 Command Secretary berks RAF Strike Command, High Wycombe
Watton, Peter 20:20 - 2004 Commercial Manager berks NHBC, Amersham
White, Frances Berkshire Profile 2005 Managing Director berks Creative Den Limited, Farnham
Williams, Alex South East Navigator 2003 Marketing Manager berks Business Link, Surrey
Witt, Chris Swale Profile 2005 Policy Officer berks Government Office for the South East, Guildford
Alexander, Mark NI Navigator November 2001 Personnel and Development Manager belfast Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Belfast
Alford, Matthew NI Navigator January 2003 Change Management belfast Department of Education for Northern Ireland, Bangor
