
Please use the following fields to filter the list of graduates. You can click on the Apply button with all three fields empty to reset the table back to its unfiltered state.

Name Course Date Course Location Course Name Job Title Locationsort ascending Organisation
O'Connor, Sharon Belfast - 1999 Belfast Matrix Director of Cultural and Economic Development belfast Down District Council, Downpatrick
O'Connor, Paul Belfast - 2004 Matrix Belfast Matrix Head of Information and Student Services belfast Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education, Belfast - Brunswick Street
O'Donnell, Nuala Belfast - 1998 Belfast Matrix Senior Official belfast Irish National Teachers Organisation, Belfast
O'Donnell, Pamela NI Navigator June 2001 Senior Planning Officer belfast West Belfast Partnership Board, Belfast
O'Donnell, Suzanne NI Navigator June 2001 Sales Administrator belfast R.T.D Crawford Ltd, Lisbellow
O'Donnghaile, Cathal Belfast - 2002 Belfast Matrix Chief Executive belfast Gaeloiliuint, Belfast
O'Hare, Barbara Belfast - 2001 Belfast Matrix belfast
O'Kane, Annie NI Navigator February 2004 Senior People & Wildlife Manager belfast Ulster Wildlife Trust, Belfast
O'Kane, Feargal NI Navigator November 2004 Web Developer belfast Housing Rights Service, Belfast
O'Keeffe, Aine NI Navigator June 2002 Political Assistant belfast Work Foundation, London
O'Loughlin, Kate NI Navigator November 2001 Business Development Officer belfast Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Belfast
O'Neill, Terence Belfast - 1995 Belfast Matrix Director of Fundraising belfast Co-operation Fingal, Belfast
O'Neill, Larry Belfast - 1999 Belfast Matrix Finance Director belfast Northern Ireland Ambulance Service HSS Trust, Belfast
O'Neill, Peter 20:20 - 2000 Head of Information, Education and Development belfast Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, Belfast
O'Neill, Peter Belfast - 1999 Belfast Matrix Head of Information, Education and Development belfast Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, Belfast
O'Neill, Jan Belfast Profile June 2004 belfast
Orde, Hugh West London - 1994/95 West London Matrix Chief Constable belfast Police Service of Northern Ireland, Headquarters
O'Regan, Geraldine Belfast - 1993 Belfast Matrix Co-ordinator belfast Inner East Belfast Sure Start, Belfast
O'Regan, Sinead NI Navigator June 2001 Jobs, Education & Training Team Manager belfast Upper Springfield Development Trust, Belfast
O'Reilly, Dermot Belfast - 1993 Belfast Matrix Deputy Director belfast The Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast - Institute of Clinical Science
O'Rourke, Yvonne Belfast - 1999 Belfast Matrix Personnel Manager belfast Irish News Ltd, Belfast
Orr, Iren Belfast - 1997 Belfast Matrix Governor IV (Retired) belfast Northern Ireland Prison Service, Belfast - Dundonald House
Owens, Roisin NI Navigator June 2002 Community Volunteering Scheme Project Officer belfast NIVT, Albert House
Parkes, Brian Belfast - 1996 Belfast Matrix Area Intermediary Manager belfast Nationwide Building Society, Belfast - Murray Street
Patterson, Lian Belfast - 2002 Belfast Matrix Senior Consultant belfast Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Belfast
Patterson, Amanda Belfast - 2003 Belfast Matrix Project Manager belfast New Life Counselling Service, Belfast
Patterson, Eileen Belfast - 2004 Matrix Belfast Matrix Principal Officer belfast Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Belfast
Patterson, Vilma Belfast - 2005 Belfast Matrix belfast John G Duff, Belfast
Patton, Julian Belfast - 1997 Belfast Matrix Production Manager belfast Bass Ireland Limited, Belfast
Patton, Catherine Belfast - 2005 Belfast Matrix Six Sigma Black Belt belfast NIE plc, Belfast - Newforge Lane
Patty, Stephen NI Navigator January 2003 Office Manager belfast Oasis - Caring In Action, Belfast
Peel, Elaine 20:20 - 1995 belfast Judi, Belfast
Peel, Elaine Belfast - 1993 Belfast Matrix belfast Judi, Belfast
Peters, Colleen Belfast - 1994 Belfast Matrix Manager belfast Townsend Enterprise Park, Belfast
Petticrew, Ruth Belfast - 1995 Belfast Matrix Deaconess belfast Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Belfast
Pollard, Steve Belfast - 2002 Belfast Matrix belfast Castlereagh College, Belfast
Porter, David Belfast - 1994 Belfast Matrix Director belfast ECONI, Belfast
Porter, Stephanie Belfast Your Turn Programme 2004/05 - Lisburn#2 Belfast Your Turn Programme Student belfast St Patrick's High School, Lisburn
Potter, Andrew Belfast - 1998 Belfast Matrix Volume Business Marketing Manager belfast BT NI, Belfast - Riverside Tower
Power, Gerard Belfast - 1997 Belfast Matrix Alumni Officer belfast The Queens University of Belfast, Belfast
Press, Diana Belfast - 1993 Belfast Matrix Vice Principal belfast Aquinas Grammar School, Belfast
Price, Kennedy Your Turn Belfast - 2000 Belfast Your Turn Programme Student belfast Bloomfield Collegiate, Belfast
Pritchard, Sally Stoke-on-Trent - 1997 Stoke-on-Trent Matrix Chief Executive belfast Choices Housing Association Ltd, Newcastle
Purdy, Martina Belfast - 1996 Belfast Matrix Political Correspondent belfast BBC, Belfast
Quigley, Peter Belfast - 1999 Belfast Matrix Mission Director belfast East Belfast Mission, Belfast
Quigley, Ciaran Belfast - 2001 Belfast Matrix Director Legal Services belfast Belfast City Council, Belfast - City Hall
Quinn, Patricia Belfast - 1995 Belfast Matrix Principal belfast St John's Girls' Primary School, Belfast
Quinn, Regina Belfast - 1994 Belfast Matrix Air Traffic Engineer belfast Belfast City Airport, BELFAST
Quinn, Marie-Claire Your Turn Belfast - 1998/99 Belfast Your Turn Programme Pupil belfast Our Lady and St Patrick's College, Knock, Belfast
Quinn, Jo Belfast - 1998 Belfast Matrix belfast
