
Please use the following fields to filter the list of graduates. You can click on the Apply button with all three fields empty to reset the table back to its unfiltered state.

Name Course Date Course Location Course Name Job Title Locationsort ascending Organisation
Quinn, Bernie Newcastle - 1991/92 Newcastle Matrix Planning Performance & Quality Assurance Manager tyne Northumberland Fire & Rescue, Morpeth
Raby, Amanda Newcastle - 1999/00 Newcastle Matrix Public Affairs Manager tyne Procter & Gamble UK, Newcastle upon Tyne
Rackstraw, Fiona Tyne 2003-2004 Tyne Matrix Head of Service, Planning Performance & Support tyne Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council, Gateshead - Civic Centre
Raistrick, Stuart Newcastle - 1990/91 Newcastle Matrix Company Secretary tyne Shared Interest Society Limited, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Ramsden, Peter Newcastle - 1997/98 Newcastle Matrix Vicar tyne St Bartholomew's Parish Church, Newcastle upon Tyne
Randell, Graham Newcastle - 1994/95 Newcastle Matrix Regional Managing Director tyne Greggs plc -, Newcastle upon Tyne
Ransome, Steve Newcastle - 1991/92 Newcastle Matrix Chief Inspector tyne Northumbria Police, Newcastle upon Tyne - Ponteland
Raybould, Stephanie Your Turn Tyne Spring 2004 Tyne Your Turn Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Gosforth High School, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Rayner, Kelly Your Turn Newcastle- 2002 Newcastle Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne West Gate Community College, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Read, Karen Tyne Spring 2003 Tyne Spring Matrix Associate Planning Consultant tyne Robert Muckle Solicitors, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Readman, Guy Newcastle - 1996/97 Newcastle Matrix Chairman tyne The Readman Foundation, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Redfearn, Norma Newcastle - 1992/93 Newcastle Matrix tyne
Reed, Bill Newcastle - 1995/96 Newcastle Matrix tyne
Rees, Bryan Newcastle - 1996/97 Newcastle Matrix Director Regional Intelligence & Resilience tyne Government Office for the North East, Newcastle upon Tyne
Reeves, Graham Co Durham - 1995/96 County Durham Focus Operations Manager, Landfill tyne NEM Ltd, North Shields
Regan, Tony Newcastle - 1991/92 Newcastle Matrix Criminal Justice, Afghan Drugs Inter-departmental Delivery Unit tyne Foreign & Commonwealth Office, London - King Charles Street
Regan, Peter Newcastle - 1994/95 Newcastle Matrix Senior Counsellor tyne The Open University, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Richards, Laura Your Turn Newcastle- 2002 Newcastle Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Newcastle upon Tyne Church High School, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Richardson, Michaela Your Turn Tyne Autumn 2003 Tyne Your Turn Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Walker Technology College, Newcastle upon Tyne
Roberts, Damon Hull - 1998/99 Hull Matrix Area General Manager tyne Holiday Inn Newcastle City, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Robertson, Jon Your Turn Newcastle- 2002 Newcastle Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne St Cuthbert's High School, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Robinson, Fred Newcastle - 1989/90 Newcastle Matrix Research Lecturer tyne University of Durham, Durham
Robinson, Tim Newcastle - 1989/90 Newcastle Matrix National Development Manager tyne Community Service, South Shields
Robinson, Graham Newcastle - 1996/97 Newcastle Matrix Freelance Artist tyne
Robinson, Cindy Newcastle - 2000/01 Newcastle Matrix tyne
Robinson, Peter Newcastle - 2000/01 Newcastle Matrix Priest in Charge tyne St Martin's Vicarage, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Robinson, Lucy Your Turn Newcastle- 2002 Newcastle Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Dame Allan's School, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Robinson, paul Your Turn Tyne Spring 2004 Tyne Your Turn Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Ryton Comprehensive School, Ryton
Robson, Carlene Your Turn Newcastle- 2002 Newcastle Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Sacred Heart High School, Newcastle upon Tyne
Robson, Richard Co Durham - 1997/98 County Durham Focus Chief Executive tyne Tynedale Council, Hexham
Roe, Jenny Your Turn Newcastle- 2002 Newcastle Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Newcastle upon Tyne Church High School, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Rogers, Kevin Newcastle - 2000/01 Newcastle Matrix tyne John Lewis Partnership, Cheadle
Romanis, Adam Newcastle - 1994/95 Newcastle Matrix Vicar tyne
Ross, Lynne Newcastle - 2001/02 Newcastle Matrix Commercial Insurance Manager tyne Newcastle Building Society, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Round, Mike Newcastle - 2001/02 Newcastle Matrix Technology & Innovations Manager tyne British Airways, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Rowley, Peter Newcastle - 1990/91 Newcastle Matrix Director & Chief Executive tyne Darlington Building Society, Darlington
Rudowski, Jason Your Turn Tyne Autumn 2002/03 Tyne Your Turn Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Kenton School, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Rundle, John Newcastle - 1995/96 Newcastle Matrix Director Europe tyne Government Office for the North East, Newcastle upon Tyne
Russell, Barrie Newcastle - 1990/91 Newcastle Matrix Headteacher tyne Welbeck Primary School, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Rzepczynski, Anne Your Turn Tyne Spring 2004 Tyne Your Turn Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Ryton Comprehensive School, Ryton
Saint, Alex Newcastle - 1995/96 Newcastle Matrix tyne
Salamon, Esther Co Durham - 1994/95 County Durham Focus Consultant & Reasearcher tyne Cultural Partnerships & Development -, Ryton
Salter, Sarah Calderdale - 2002 Calderdale Focus Group Personnel Director tyne Cavaghan & Gray Group Plc, Carlisle
Sargent, Anthony 20:20 - 1995 General Director tyne The Sage Gateshead, Gateshead
Sargent, Anthony Birmingham - 1992 Birmingham Matrix General Director tyne The Sage Gateshead, Gateshead
Sargent, John Tyne 2003-2004 Tyne Matrix Tourism Leisure and Culture Consultant tyne The Ideas Mine -, Newcastle upon Tyne
Saunders, Jenny Newcastle - 1992/93 Newcastle Matrix Director of Communications tyne National Energy Action, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Savage, Chris Newcastle - 2001/02 Newcastle Matrix Canon tyne Christchurch with St Ann Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne
Savage, Chris Tyne Profile Jun 2004 Canon tyne Christchurch with St Ann Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne
Savage, Emma Your Turn Newcastle- 2002 Newcastle Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Dame Allan's School, Newcastle Upon Tyne
