
Please use the following fields to filter the list of graduates. You can click on the Apply button with all three fields empty to reset the table back to its unfiltered state.

Name Course Date Course Location Course Name Job Title Location Organisationsort descending
Adams, Craig Your Turn Bristol - 1999 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Adebiyi, Theresa Your Turn Bristol - 2000 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Allen, Mark Your Turn Bristol - 1999 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Amlani (MBE), Yashu Bristol - 1993 Bristol Matrix Consultant and Trainer bristol
Bagge, Simon Bristol - 2001 Bristol Matrix bristol
Baidoo, Doreen Bristol - 2000 Bristol Matrix Independent Consultant bristol
Bandcroft, Sue Bristol - 1996 Bristol Matrix bristol
Beecham, Amanda Your Turn Bristol - 2000 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Blake, Matthew Your Turn Bristol - 2001 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Buchan, Kalli Your Turn Bristol - 2000 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Bullard, Emma Bristol - 1995 Bristol Matrix bristol
Burton, Daniel Your Turn Bristol - 2000 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Campbell, Kay Bristol - 2001 Bristol Matrix Director bristol
Case, Jane Bristol - 1995 Bristol Matrix bristol
Caverly, Trish Bristol - 2003 Bristol Matrix bristol
Chaudhry, Shaheen Bristol - 1991 Bristol Matrix Freelance Trainer bristol
Clark, Tim Bristol - 2003 Bristol Matrix bristol
Clothier, Jane Birmingham - 1994 Birmingham Matrix bristol
Coleman, Caroline Bristol - 2004 Bristol Matrix bristol
Collins, Emma Bristol - 2000 Bristol Matrix bristol
Cook, Marie-Claude Bristol - 1999 Bristol Matrix Finance & Information Manager bristol
Cozens, Jack Your Turn Bristol - 2000 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Drakeley, John Bristol - 1994 Bristol Matrix bristol
Duckworth, Jonathan Bristol - 1993 Bristol Matrix Retail Consultant bristol
Duckworth, Jonathan Coventry - 1993/94 Coventry & Warwickshire Matrix Retail Consultant bristol
Eastell, Rupert Bristol - 1992 Bristol Matrix Partner bristol
Elmi, Osob Your Turn Bristol - 2000 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Feltham, Joseph Your Turn Residential 2004 bristol
Flaherty, Nick Bristol - 2000 Bristol Matrix Freelance Journalist bristol
Fletcher, Jim Mid/West Kent - 2002 Mid West Kent Focus Focus bristol
Fowler, Hannah Your Turn Bristol - 1999 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Freeman, Jon South West Navigator 2004 bristol
Fry, Jane Bristol - 1992 Bristol Matrix bristol
Garlick, George Bristol - 1993 Bristol Matrix Strategy Officer bristol
Garner, Isobel Bristol - 1997 Bristol Matrix bristol
Gibbon, Lindy Bristol - 1997 Bristol Matrix bristol
Gibbons, Gwilym Milton Keynes - 1997/98 Milton Keynes Matrix Community Initiatives Manager bristol
Gill, Chris Your Turn Bristol - 2000 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Goldsworthy, Oona Bristol - 1996 Bristol Matrix bristol
Gosling, David East London - 1994/95 East London Matrix bristol
Gowar, Ann Bristol - 1992 Bristol Matrix bristol
Grant, Vicky Your Turn Bristol - 1999 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Green, David Mid West Kent - 2001 Mid West Kent Focus Focus bristol
Griffin, Christina Bristol - 1999 Bristol Matrix bristol
Grizzle, Conroy Bristol - 1993 Bristol Matrix bristol
Hindley, Linda Bristol - 1998 Bristol Matrix bristol
Ince, Stuart Thomas Your Turn Residential 2004 bristol
Ismail, Huwada Your Turn Bristol - 2000 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Jackson, Jane Bristol - 1992 Bristol Matrix bristol
Jackson, Tessa Bristol - 1992 Bristol Matrix bristol
