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Name Course Date Course Location Course Name Job Title Location Organisationsort ascending
Clements, Louise 20:20 - 2000 Director cornwall The Wordsmiths Press, Bristol
Clements, Louise Bristol - 1998 Bristol Matrix Director cornwall The Wordsmiths Press, Bristol
Cox, Eoin Edinburgh - 2003 Edinburgh Matrix Director edinburgh The Woodschool Ltd, Jedburgh
Earle, Alexander Your Turn Coventry Spring 2003 Coventry Your Turn Programme Student warks The Woodlands School, Coventry
Fallowell, Jonathan Your Turn Coventry Spring 2001 Coventry Your Turn Programme Student warks The Woodlands School, Coventry
Jassi, Aaron Your Turn Coventry Spring 2003 Coventry Your Turn Programme Student warks The Woodlands School, Coventry
Jennings, Daniel Your Turn Coventry Autumn 2001 Coventry Your Turn Programme Student warks The Woodlands School, Coventry
Mckeown, Sam Your Turn Coventry Autumn 2001 Coventry Your Turn Programme Student warks The Woodlands School, Coventry
Parry, Scott Your Turn Coventry Autumn 2001 Coventry Your Turn Programme Student warks The Woodlands School, Coventry
Singh Ahira, Gurmukh Your Turn Coventry Spring 2001 Coventry Your Turn Programme Student warks The Woodlands School, Coventry
Logue, Margaret Foyle Profile 2003 merseyside The Women's Centre, Derry
Burkey, Sam Bristol - 2002 Bristol Matrix Community Liaison Officer bristol The Wildscreen Trust, Bristol
Krish, Jane Bristol - 1997 Bristol Matrix Chief Executive bristol The Wildscreen Trust, Bristol
Otterburn, Gill North West Navigator 2005 Centre Manager lankashire The Wildlife Trust - Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside -, Penwortham
Donnison, Andrew City of Sunderland - 1999/00 City of Sunderland Matrix Groundsman wear The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Washington
Francis, Chris City of Sunderland - 1995/96 City of Sunderland Matrix Centre Manager wear The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Washington
Clark, Rod Newcastle - 1996/97 Newcastle Matrix Regional Manager - East tyne The Weston Spirit, Newcastle upon Tyne
Harrison, Ben 20:20 - 2003 Chief Executive merseyside The Weston Spirit, Liverpool
Harrison, Ben Mersey - 1996 Merseyside Matrix Chief Executive merseyside The Weston Spirit, Liverpool
O'Ginsky, Paul Mersey - 1998 Merseyside Matrix Strategic Development Manager merseyside The Weston Spirit, Liverpool
Van Breeman, Nick Mersey - 1999 Merseyside Matrix National Appeals & Communications Manager merseyside The Weston Spirit, Liverpool
Marr, Nicholas Greater Manchester - 1994/95 Greater Manchester Matrix Operations Director manchester The Weston Spirit, Liverpool
Capper, Ged Wakefield - 2004 Wakefield Focus Education Centre Manager wakefield The Westmorland Street Education Centre Ltd, Wakefield
Allen, Julia Derby - 2003 Derby Matrix Research and Systems Officer derby The Walbrook Group, Derby
Dane, Liz Derby Matrix 2005 Derby Matrix Community Development Manager derby The Walbrook Group, Derby
Smith, Philip Derby - 2003 Derby Matrix Managing Director derby The Walbrook Group, Derby
Banks, Norman Newcastle - 1989/90 Newcastle Matrix Vicar tyne The Vicarage, Norfolk
Whitehead, Robin Leicester - 1998/99 Leicestershire Matrix Team Rector of the Parish of the Resurrection leicester The Vicarage, Lincolnshire
Kerr, James Foyle 2004 Foyle Focus Director foyle The Verbal Arts Centre, Londonderry
Edgar, Juliet Mersey - 2000 Merseyside Matrix Manager merseyside The Venus Resource Centre, Liverpool
Newton, Simon Milton Keynes - 1996/97 Milton Keynes Matrix Assistant Director (Regional) york The University of York, York
Martin, Kay South Yorkshire Profile 2004 Business Liaison Manager sheffield The University of Sheffield, Sheffield - Victoria Street
Nolan, Michelle Sheffield Focus 2003 Sheffield Focus Head of Corporate Partnerships sheffield The University of Sheffield, Sheffield - Victoria Street
Nolan, Michelle South Yorkshire Profile - 2002 Head of Corporate Partnerships sheffield The University of Sheffield, Sheffield - Victoria Street
Proctor, Ian South Yorkshire Profile - 2003 Business Liaison Manager sheffield The University of Sheffield, Sheffield - Victoria Street
Timmins, Barry South Yorkshire Profile 2005 - April Inward Investment Manager sheffield The University of Sheffield, Sheffield - Victoria Street
Arnold, Ruth Sheffield - 2001 Sheffield Matrix Assistant Director sheffield The University of Sheffield, Sheffield - Palmerston Road
Chafer, Jane South Yorkshire Profile 2004 Director of Marketing sheffield The University of Sheffield, Sheffield - Palmerston Road
Green, Sally Sheffield - 1993/94 Sheffield Matrix sheffield The University of Sheffield, Sheffield - Firth Court
Stevenson, Miles South Yorkshire Profile - 2002 Director of Development sheffield The University of Sheffield, Sheffield - Firth Court
Sykes, Graham Sheffield - 2000 Sheffield Matrix Assistant Registrar sheffield The University of Sheffield, Sheffield - Firth Court
West, Andrew Sheffield Focus 2002 Sheffield Focus Deputy Director of Student Services sheffield The University of Sheffield, Sheffield - Firth Court
Wilson, Len Sheffield Focus 2002 Sheffield Focus Head of Estates sheffield The University of Sheffield, Sheffield - Firth Court
Yates, John Sheffield - 1994/95 Sheffield Matrix sheffield The University of Sheffield, Sheffield - Firth Court
Cross, Maire Newcastle - 1990/91 Newcastle Matrix Senior Lecturer in French tyne The University of Sheffield, Sheffield - Arts Tower
Garrahan, Phillip Newcastle - 1996/97 Newcastle Matrix tyne The University of Sheffield, Sheffield - Arts Tower
Hart, Alan Nottingham - 1991/92 Nottingham Matrix Senior Assistant Registrar nottingham The University of Nottingham, Nottingham
Hurman, Helen Nottingham - 2002 Nottingham Matrix Head of Regional Business Development nottingham The University of Nottingham, Nottingham
Hulme, Jan Edinburgh - 1996 Edinburgh Matrix Academic Secretary glasgow The University of Glasgow, Glasgow
Scringeour, Alec Glasgow - 1997 Glasgow Matrix Administator for Infomation Sevices glasgow The University of Glasgow, Glasgow
