
Please use the following fields to filter the list of graduates. You can click on the Apply button with all three fields empty to reset the table back to its unfiltered state.

Name Course Date Course Location Course Namesort descending Job Title Location Organisation
McDonald, Katherine NI Navigator June 2000 Public Affairs Consultant belfast Strategem, Belfast
McErlane, Terence NI Navigator November 2001 Information/Research Manager belfast Stratagem (NI) Ltd, Belfast
McErlean, Aileen NI Navigator February 2004 Administrator belfast Irish Congress of Trade Unions, Belfast
McEwan, Mark NI Navigator June 2001 Constable belfast Police Service of Northern Ireland, Belfast - Tennent Street
McGeown, Declan NI Navigator June 2002 Deputy Principal - Management Trainee belfast Department of Social Development, Belfast
McGinn, Tony NI Navigator November 2001 belfast Tony McGinn, Belfast
McGivern, Nuala NI Navigator November 2004 belfast
McGrath, Fiona NI Navigator June 2002 Town Planner belfast Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Belfast
McGrath, Bill NI Navigator January 2003 Senior Administrative Officer belfast Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Belfast
McGuigan, Claire NI Navigator 2005 Constable belfast Police Service of Northern Ireland, Alexander Road
McGuinness, Dolores 20:20 - 2002 Executive Director belfast Lifestart Foundation, Derry
McIlroy, Damien NI Navigator January 2003 belfast Top of the Hill 2010, Derry
McIntaggart, William NI Navigator June 2002 Head of Property Services belfast Belfast Education and Library Board, Belfast
McKenna, Joanne Belfast Profile November 2005 Operations Manager belfast Victim Support, Belfast
McLaughlin, Brian NI Navigator June 2001 Personnel and Training Officer belfast Bass Ireland Limited, Belfast
McManus, Emmet NI Navigator January 2003 General Manager belfast Inscape (NI) ltd, Belfast
McNichol, Sharon BelfastProfileJune 2005 Policy Officer belfast Belfast City Council, Belfast - City Hall
McVeigh, Barry NI Navigator February 2004 Specialist Support Officer belfast Citizens Advice Bureaux, Belfast
McWilliams, Lisa NI Navigator November 2001 Operations Co-ordinator belfast Greater East Belfast Partnership, Belfast
Meenan, George NI Navigator June 2001 Building Control Officer belfast Derry City Council, Derry - Strand Road
Middleton, Wendy NI Navigator January 2003 Response Sergeant belfast Police Service of Northern Ireland, Belfast - Strandtown Station
Millar, Joni NI Navigator June 2001 Rural Health Co-ordinator belfast RAPID, Claudy
Moore, Ruth BelfastProfileJune 2005 Director belfast Upper North Belfast Community Empowerment Partnership -, Belfast
Moran, John Merseyside Profile October 2001 belfast
Morrin, Martin NI Navigator June 2002 President of Student's Union belfast North West Institute of Further and Higher Education, Londonderry
Morrissey, Lorraine NI Navigator January 2003 Strategic Development Officer belfast West Belfast Partnership Board, Belfast
Morrissey, Andrew NI Navigator February 2004 Central Area Stations Manager belfast Translink, Belfast - East Bridge Street
Morrow, Pier NI Navigator January 2003 Tourism Officer belfast Belfast City Council, Belfast - Cecil Ward Building
Murray, Max 20:20 - 1997 Deputy Director of Operations belfast Northern Ireland Prison Service, Belfast - Dundonald House
Murray, Karen NI Navigator November 2001 Brand Manager belfast
Murray, Michael NI Navigator February 2004 Residential Childcare Manager belfast Family Resource Centre, Newtownards
Neilson, Emma NI Navigator June 2000 Web Designer belfast BT NI, Belfast - Riverside Tower
Noble, Chris NI Navigator June 2001 Project Support Office Manager belfast Police Service of Northern Ireland, Knock Road
O'Donnell, Pamela NI Navigator June 2001 Senior Planning Officer belfast West Belfast Partnership Board, Belfast
O'Donnell, Suzanne NI Navigator June 2001 Sales Administrator belfast R.T.D Crawford Ltd, Lisbellow
O'Kane, Annie NI Navigator February 2004 Senior People & Wildlife Manager belfast Ulster Wildlife Trust, Belfast
O'Kane, Feargal NI Navigator November 2004 Web Developer belfast Housing Rights Service, Belfast
O'Keeffe, Aine NI Navigator June 2002 Political Assistant belfast Work Foundation, London
O'Loughlin, Kate NI Navigator November 2001 Business Development Officer belfast Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Belfast
O'Neill, Peter 20:20 - 2000 Head of Information, Education and Development belfast Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, Belfast
O'Neill, Jan Belfast Profile June 2004 belfast
O'Regan, Sinead NI Navigator June 2001 Jobs, Education & Training Team Manager belfast Upper Springfield Development Trust, Belfast
Owens, Roisin NI Navigator June 2002 Community Volunteering Scheme Project Officer belfast NIVT, Albert House
Patty, Stephen NI Navigator January 2003 Office Manager belfast Oasis - Caring In Action, Belfast
Peel, Elaine 20:20 - 1995 belfast Judi, Belfast
Quinn, Jonnie NI Navigator January 2003 Accounts Assistant belfast Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke Association, Belfast
Rafferty, Michelle NI Navigator November 2001 District Manager belfast Translink, Enniskillen
Rath, Anne NI Navigator June 2002 Executive Officer belfast Probation Board for Northern Ireland, Belfast
Rebbeck, Mark NI Navigator June 2000 Commerical Director belfast AM Development UK Ltd, Belfast
Reid, Susan 20:20 - 2005 Director for Northern Ireland belfast Victim Support, Belfast
