
Please use the following fields to filter the list of graduates. You can click on the Apply button with all three fields empty to reset the table back to its unfiltered state.

Name Course Datesort descending Course Location Course Name Job Title Location Organisation
Robinson, Lucy Your Turn Newcastle- 2002 Newcastle Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Dame Allan's School, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Robson, Carlene Your Turn Newcastle- 2002 Newcastle Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Sacred Heart High School, Newcastle upon Tyne
Roe, Jenny Your Turn Newcastle- 2002 Newcastle Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Newcastle upon Tyne Church High School, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Savage, Emma Your Turn Newcastle- 2002 Newcastle Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Dame Allan's School, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Stokoe, Andrew Your Turn Newcastle- 2002 Newcastle Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne
Wallis, George Your Turn Newcastle- 2002 Newcastle Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Royal Grammar School, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Watson, Christina Your Turn Newcastle- 2002 Newcastle Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne West Gate Community College, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Watts, Louise Your Turn Newcastle- 2002 Newcastle Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Firfield Community School, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Welsby, Peter Your Turn Newcastle- 2002 Newcastle Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Royal Grammar School, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Adams, Alan Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme london
Aziz, Ahmed Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme london
Barbarovic, Roko Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Central Foundation Boy's School, London
Begum, Asia Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme london
Dam, Ronojoy Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london City of London School for Boys, London
Driscoll, Samantha Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london
Elton, Daniel Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london City of London School for Boys, London
Farrer, Sacha Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School, London
Fulbrook, Conrad Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Haverstock School, London
Gorlov, Sarah Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london City of London School for Girls, London
Graham, Sula Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Stoke Newington School, London
Gray-Heaven, Jay Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Central Foundation Boy's School, London
Harding, Brendon Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Record Label Owner, Record Producer & Engineer london Stoke Newington School, London
Hassan, Aasiya Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Stoke Newington School, London
Holland, Jonathan Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Highgate School, London
Joshi, Sunil Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Highgate School, London
Knight, Daniel Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Central Foundation Boy's School, London
Luchmee, Ansuya Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Haggerston School, London
Nwaneri, Ijeoma Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School, London
O' Brien, Lily Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Islington Green School, London
Okeowo, Morenikeji Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Haggerston School, London
Plant, Robert Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london City of London School for Boys, London
Seeley, Francesca Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london City of London School for Girls, London
Smyth, Carla Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london City of London School for Girls, London
Suleymen, Yusef Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Kingsland School, London
Varma, Alick Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Highgate School, London
Wadhawan, Sunita Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School, London
Walker-Hall, Calvin Your Turn North London - 1997/98 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Kingsland School, London
Ahmed, Yunus Your Turn North London - 1999/00 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Central Foundation Boy's School, London
Atli, Mine Your Turn North London - 1999/00 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Park View Academy, London
Beavis, Laura Your Turn North London - 1999/00 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Hampstead School, London
Brennan-Bernatt, Niamh Your Turn North London - 1999/00 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Highbury Fields School, London
Cebir, Gokhan Your Turn North London - 1999/00 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Park View Academy, London
Densu, Isaac Your Turn North London - 1999/00 North London Your Turn Programme Student london School of St. David and St. Katharine, London
Dicks, Nicola Your Turn North London - 1999/00 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Islington Green School, London
Douglas, Joe Your Turn North London - 1999/00 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Haverstock School, London
Fontana, Naomi Your Turn North London - 1999/00 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Islington Green School, London
Graham, Jessica Your Turn North London - 1999/00 North London Your Turn Programme Student london South Camden Community School, London
Harrison, Ben Your Turn North London - 1999/00 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Haverstock School, London
Hicks-Wilson, Della Your Turn North London - 1999/00 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School, London
Ibrahim, Serkan Your Turn North London - 1999/00 North London Your Turn Programme Student london Islington Green School, London
