
Please use the following fields to filter the list of graduates. You can click on the Apply button with all three fields empty to reset the table back to its unfiltered state.

Name Course Date Course Location Course Name Job Title Locationsort descending Organisation
Woolhouse, Sue City of Sunderland - 1995/96 City of Sunderland Matrix wear
Worley, Andrew City of Sunderland - 2000/01 City of Sunderland Matrix wear
Worthy, Allan Wear 2002/2003 Wear Matrix Statistics & Information Officer wear Tyne & Wear Fire & Rescue Service, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Wren, Paul Tees 2005 Tees Matrix Business Development Director wear Stockton Riverside College, Thornaby on Tees
Wren, Paul Wear 2001/02 Wear Matrix Business Development Director wear Stockton Riverside College, Thornaby on Tees
Wright, Norma City of Sunderland - 1997/98 City of Sunderland Matrix wear
Wrigley, Eddie City of Sunderland - 1994/95 City of Sunderland Matrix Senior Scientific Officer wear Government Office for the North East, Newcastle upon Tyne
Yearnshire, Stephanie City of Sunderland - 1991/92 City of Sunderland Matrix Detective Superintendent wear Northumbria Police, Newcastle upon Tyne - Ponteland
Young, Peter City of Sunderland - 1992/93 City of Sunderland Matrix City Councillor wear Sunderland City Council, Civic Centre
Young, Rachael Your Turn Sunderland 2000 Sunderland Your Turn Programme Pupil wear Thornhill School, Sunderland
Holdsworth, Neil Newcastle - 1991/92 Newcastle Matrix Unit Head york Crown Prosecution Service, York
Maxwell, Karen Edinburgh - 1999 Edinburgh Matrix Development Manager york Yorkshire & Humberside Housing Forum, Wakefield
Newton, Simon Milton Keynes - 1996/97 Milton Keynes Matrix Assistant Director (Regional) york The University of York, York
Pye, George Hull - 2002/03 Hull Matrix Director of Marketing and Communications york Business Link North Yorkshire, York
