
Please use the following fields to filter the list of graduates. You can click on the Apply button with all three fields empty to reset the table back to its unfiltered state.

Name Course Date Course Location Course Name Job Title Location Organisationsort descending
James, Kurt Bristol - 1997 Bristol Matrix bristol
King, Karen East Kent - 2002/03 East Kent Focus bristol
Lacey, Tanya Your Turn Bristol - 1999 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Legg, Hermione Bristol - 1993 Bristol Matrix Mediator/Facilitator bristol
Lench, John Bristol - 1992 Bristol Matrix bristol
MacMahon, Cara Greater Manchester - 1992/93 Greater Manchester Matrix bristol
Malik, Nasser Bristol - 1995 Bristol Matrix bristol
Manning, Rose Bristol - 2002 Bristol Matrix bristol
Manwaring, Anthony Bristol - 1995 Bristol Matrix bristol
Mathurin, Paul Bristol - 1992 Bristol Matrix bristol
McNamara, Janice Bristol - 1993 Bristol Matrix Training Consultant bristol
McSkimming, Janette Bristol - 1993 Bristol Matrix bristol
Meaker, Elisha Your Turn Bristol - 1999 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Monks, Lisa Your Turn Bristol - 2000 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Morgan, Robert Bristol - 1996 Bristol Matrix bristol
Newton, Patsy Bristol - 1997 Bristol Matrix bristol
Nobles, Eilean Bristol - 1999 Bristol Matrix bristol
Nuttall, Katherine Your Turn Bristol - 2000 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Osborne, Heloise Bristol - 1997 Bristol Matrix bristol
Otoo, Jennifer Your Turn Bristol - 2000 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Palmer, Isabell Bristol - 1996 Bristol Matrix bristol
Parry, Phil Bristol - 2000 Bristol Matrix Freelance Management Consultant bristol
Pasiecznik, Halina Bristol - 1999 Bristol Matrix bristol
Pendlington, John Bristol - 1996 Bristol Matrix Fundraiser bristol
Perkins, Clare Bristol - 2000 Bristol Matrix bristol
Pilkington, Stephen 20:20 - 2000 bristol
Preston, Judy Bristol - 1996 Bristol Matrix Career Coach bristol
Price, John Bristol - 1991 Bristol Matrix bristol
Redfern, Indigo Bristol - 2004 Bristol Matrix bristol
Reed, Helen Bristol - 1999 Bristol Matrix Freelance Journalist bristol
Reynolds, Jan Bristol - 2001 Bristol Matrix bristol
Rogers, Nick Bristol - 1996 Bristol Matrix bristol
Singh, Shiv Bristol - 1993 Bristol Matrix Vice Chairman bristol
Smith, Bristol - 1994 Bristol Matrix bristol
Sond, Suchi Your Turn Bristol - 1999 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Stacey, Chris FrontRunner 2005 Frontrunner Participant bristol
Stainthorp, Bobbie Bristol - 1992 Bristol Matrix bristol
Stewart, Daniel Bristol - 1991 Bristol Matrix bristol
Stokes, Michele Bristol - 1992 Bristol Matrix Director bristol
Storer, Tyrone Bristol - 1994 Bristol Matrix bristol
Thomas, Caroline Bristol - 1993 Bristol Matrix bristol
Turner, Jill Bristol - 1995 Bristol Matrix bristol
Ullah, Liton Your Turn Bristol - 2000 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Wailes, Raymond Bristol - 1998 Bristol Matrix bristol
Watkins, Emma Your Turn Bristol - 1999 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Watts, Ben Your Turn Bristol - 2000 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol
Webb, Steve Bristol - 1997 Bristol Matrix Consultant bristol
Webber, Michele Bristol - 1996 Bristol Matrix Management Consultant bristol
Wheatley, Adam Bristol - 1993 Bristol Matrix bristol
Whitmore, Carol Bristol - 1993 Bristol Matrix Business Consultant bristol
