BBC and Media

CP Daily Echo Southampton Common Sense equates Common Purpose

Press article from the Daily Echo Southampton where CP is recruiting. Suggestion is that Common Sense = Common Purpose. Nothing could be further from the truth. CP defies common sense in believing and suggesting that everyone is destined to be a chosen elite leader. It deludes people into thinking it is a charity for all when its membership is elitest and able to afford the elitest course fees.

CP BBC names

The following list is a small sample of BBC CP trained people. These courses have been paid by the licence payer but the BBC then tries to say this is for the benefit of the individual in their personal time. Nice of the taxpayer to be so generous. The pro EU CP training may help to explain the BBC's pro EU and anti British stance. Remember that the BBC has also borrowed money from European Banks. Whoever pays the piper calls the tune.

CP BBC Freedom of Information request re Mr Harding 2007

BBC reply to FOI request re Mr Harding who sits on CP London Advisory Board. According to the BBC he does this in his private time. This response just happens to be in line with written guidance from CP to organisations trying to prevent them from revealing CP documentation.

The BBC admits that it has spent £47,260 with CP, and this is taxpayers money. Yet we are to believe that all their employees work for CP in their private time. Why is the BBC so shy of sharing the detailed information of their relationship with CP?


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