BBC and Media

Un Common Purpose as Telegraph Wakes Up

John Mitchell from the Telegraph is awake and seeing the real picture....
"After a month’s absence, is back. When Common Purpose, a
political ‘charity’ and leadership development organisation operating internationally
from the UK, successfully demanded that a US hosting service take the site down, it
was hardly an issue of public concern. After all, it was only a website, only a
charity. And yet, if a better-known charity such as the RSPCA had sought to silence

Analysis of the Media Standards Trust including Common Purpose

Thanks to an excellent analysis of the elitest matrix that is the Media Standards Trust. Run from within Common Purpose this insidious organisation seeks to 'improve' media reporting. The elitest nature of the individuals concerned, their networks to major global corporation and big banks suggest that the aim is not to improve the openness of media but to control it. These people are self selected, unaccountable and super wealthy.

BBC spends massive £158,100 on Common Purpose training

According to a Freedom of Information response the Brussels Broadcasting Company BBC has spent a massive £158,100 on Common Purpose training. According to the BBC this was to "assist senior editorial staff in building partnerships and developing knowledge, experience and contacts in their local area." They go on to say that " Staff who attended the course reported that it had been both a really useful learning / training experience and had also opened up a huge network of contacts."

CP BBC Merseyside Radio biased interview with Brian Gerrish (see full archive article)

So rattled is Common Purpose by the steady leak of information revealing its political agenda and huge fees taken from the taxpayer, that they have now apparently enlisted the BBC to manage their tawdry image. Brian Gerrish was recently invited to speak concerning CP on BBC Radio Mersyside on Friday 27 March 2009 after the Presenter Roger Phillips linked his name with the BNP. Mr Phillips claimed that he was only able to find material by Brian Gerrish on the BNP's website.

Third Sector Magazine article 6 August 2008

Third Sector magazine article in which CP attempts to brand concerned members of the public as right wing and political. The article is clearly designed to promote CP as an upstanding charity and claims it is not political. "David Bell Common Purpose trustee denied that it [CP] had a pro-EU agenda.....this is simple not the case" he states. Why then are we able to show a wealth of pro EU literature for CP courses especially those aimed at children? Why are top level CP courses linked to the EU and top level EU officials?

CP Insider Article CP and Freemasonry believed 2006

Article by Joanne Birtwistle apparently comparing CP to the Freemasons. The whole feel of this article suggests CP are defending themselves by trying to say they are not like the Freemasons, yet their mode of operation is very similar. You enter a room and the CP know how to identify each other but the rest of the public don't. CP graduates help each other win business and push through organisational and public authority agendas for CHANGE. They gang up against people who don't like their style.


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