Un Common Purpose as Telegraph Wakes Up

John Mitchell from the Telegraph is awake and seeing the real picture....
"After a month’s absence, cpexposed.com is back. When Common Purpose, a
political ‘charity’ and leadership development organisation operating internationally
from the UK, successfully demanded that a US hosting service take the site down, it
was hardly an issue of public concern. After all, it was only a website, only a
charity. And yet, if a better-known charity such as the RSPCA had sought to silence
an awkward animal rights group on grounds of copyright infringement, might the
news coverage and reaction have been different?

Interestingly, not only opposition material has been removed; at least one Police
‘statement of common purpose’ has vanished, as has a paper on education from
Common Purpose’s own site. Have these people something to hide?
Search My Telegraph"

Please read Mr Mitchell's full article in the pdf. Good work Sir.
