
CP Psychiatry Journal February 1946 General Chisholm

Fascinating and dangerous article about psychiatrist General Brock Chisholm who later became first Director General of the World Health Organisation. Chisholm proposes that we set aside the "mistaken old ways of our elders", and we take charge of our own destiny. In his agenda no one is without a part to play in this challenging undertaking: the church, the home, schools, and government should set themselves the task of examining and understanding and treating the ills that beset society - and the individual.

CP Historical Mind Control Documentation Colonel John Rawlings Rees

Document written by Colonel J R Rees October 1940 Strategic Planning for Mental Health. Key document talking of "making plans for winning the war and for establishing work for mental health firmly for the future." This fascinating paper sets out the beginnings of a covert plan to make mankind healthy and stating that only psychiatrists are equipped to make mankind healthy.

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