
Please use the following fields to filter the list of graduates. You can click on the Apply button with all three fields empty to reset the table back to its unfiltered state.

Name Course Date Course Locationsort ascending Course Name Job Title Location Organisation
Williams, Alex South East Navigator 2003 Marketing Manager berks Business Link, Surrey
Witt, Chris Swale Profile 2005 Policy Officer berks Government Office for the South East, Guildford
Alexander, Mark NI Navigator November 2001 Personnel and Development Manager belfast Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Belfast
Alford, Matthew NI Navigator January 2003 Change Management belfast Department of Education for Northern Ireland, Bangor
Allen, Martina NI Navigator June 2001 Officer Business Banking belfast First Trust Bank, Londonderry - Meadowbank
Allen, Brian NI Navigator November 2001 E-Solutions Business Development Specialist belfast BT NI, Belfast - Riverside Tower
Allen, James NI Navigator January 2003 I.S. Project Manager belfast Coca-Cola Plc, Lisburn
Armstrong, Judith NI Navigator February 2004 Business Banking Manager belfast Northern Bank, Lisburn
Ashfield, Charlotte Belfast Profile - Nov 2001 Deputy Principal belfast Department of Culture Arts and Leisure, Belfast
Ball, Simon NI Navigator November 2001 Constable belfast Police Service of Northern Ireland, Montgomery Road
Bleakley, Sharon NI Navigator November 2004 Programme Manager belfast Community Development & Health Network, Newry
Boyd, Carolyn NI Navigator November 2001 Branch Manager belfast Grafton Recruitment, Belfast
Briggs, Nicola NI Navigator June 2002 Senior Accountant belfast North and West Belfast HSS Trust, Befast - College Street
Brown, Emma NI Navigator November 2001 HR Business Partner belfast BT Multimedia Terminals & Payphones, Hemel Hempstead
Brown, Leigh NI Navigator February 2004 Internal Auditor belfast Rural Development Council, Cookstown
Brown, David NI Navigator June 2000 Town Planner belfast Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Belfast
Brown, Valerie NI Navigator February 2004 Economic Development Officer belfast South Belfast Partnership Board, Belfast
Buchan, Sandra Belfast Profile November 2005 belfast North Belfast Community Action Unit -, Belfast
Buchanan, Julian NI Navigator June 2000 Police Officer belfast Police Service of Northern Ireland, Strabane
Byrne, John Paul NI Navigator January 2003 Account Executive belfast BT NI, Belfast - Riverside Tower
Campbell, Maire NI Navigator November 2001 Public Affairs and Communications Manager belfast Coca-Cola Plc, Lisburn
Campbell, George Belfast Profile - Nov 2001 Senior Education Officer belfast Belfast Education and Library Board, Belfast
Casement, Alan NI Navigator November 2004 Team Leader belfast Montupet UK Ltd, Belfast
Cashell, Ray BelfastProfileJune 2005 Chief Officer belfast SHAC, Belfast
Chada, Naresh Belfast Profile - Nov 2001 Senior Medical Officer belfast Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety, Belfast
Chan, Nick FrontRunner 2005 Frotnrunner participant belfast
Collins, Kelly NI Navigator November 2004 Community Support Worker belfast Citizens Advice Bureaux, Belfast
Convery, Paul NI Navigator June 2001 Campaign Manager, Consumer Marketing belfast BT NI, Belfast - Riverside Tower
Cousins, Heather Belfast Profile - Nov 2001 Director of Finance belfast Social Security Agency, Belfast - Churchill House
Cowden, Mark NI Navigator November 2001 Marketing Manager belfast BT NI, Belfast - Riverside Tower
Crawford, Deirdre NI Navigator November 2001 Community Development Officer belfast Whiterock/Westrock Residents Association, Belfast
Creaney, Nicola NI Navigator June 2002 Development Planner belfast The Planning Service, Craigavon
Crilly, Martin NI Navigator November 2004 Business Development Director belfast IDS Media Group, Newry
Cushley, Moya Belfast Profile June 2004 Head of Business Development belfast Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Belfast
Daly, Julie NI Navigator January 2003 Office Manager belfast Stratagem (NI) Ltd, Belfast
Daly, Irene NI Navigator June 2000 Staff Training and Development Officer belfast Down District Council, Downpatrick
Devlin, Joanne Belfast Profile November 2005 Managing Consultant belfast PricewaterhouseCoopers, Belfast
Donnelly, Paul NI Navigator June 2000 Community Sports Development Officer belfast Upper Springfield Development Trust, Belfast
Dorrian, Christopher NI Navigator February 2004 belfast Northern Health and Social Services Board, Ballymena
Dowie, Jill NI Navigator January 2003 Acting Assistant Human Resources Manager belfast Belfast Education and Library Board, Belfast
Doyle, Oliveen NI Navigator January 2003 Assistant Manager belfast Ulster Bank Limited, Belfast - Ulster Bank Group Head Office
Duke, Alistair NI Navigator November 2001 Network Services Engineer belfast UBS Warburg, London - Liverpool Street
Dunne, Elaine NI Navigator 2005 Communications Officer belfast Healing through remembering, Belfast
Dyer, Kerry NI Navigator January 2003 SME Marketing Operations Manager belfast BT NI, Belfast - Riverside Tower
Eager, Wendy NI Navigator February 2004 Staff Issues Team belfast Department of Education for Northern Ireland, Bangor
Elliott, Nigel NI Navigator January 2003 Staff Officer belfast Northern Ireland Court Service, Derry
Erwin, Ward Belfast Profile June 2004 Head of Policy belfast Community Safety Unit, Belfast
Falls, Sean NI Navigator November 2001 District Manager belfast Translink, Magherafelt
Ferguson, Pauline NI Navigator February 2004 Service Manager belfast Positive Futures for People with a Learning Disability, Lisburn
Fitzpatrick, Moraig NI Navigator November 2001 Manager belfast Belfast learndirect, Belfast
