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Name Course Date Course Locationsort descending Course Name Job Title Location Organisation
Wade, David London Southwark Alliance Profile 2003 london Heartbeat International Christian Centre, London
Walker, Mary 20:20 - 2000 Head of Policy & Equalities london London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, London - Town Hall
Wallace, Rommell Navigator England April 2002 Administration Officer london LEAP, London
Warburton, Frank 20:20 - 2001 Director of Service Development london DrugScope, London
Ward, Liz London Navigator May 2004 Volunteer london Voluntary Service Overseas, London
Watson, Henry Navigator England June 2002 Faststreamer london Ministry of Defence, London - Metropole Building
Watson, Henry Navigator England June 2002 Faststreamer london Ministry of Defence, London - Metropole Building
Watt, Jillian London Navigator - June 2003 london
Watts, Tony London Autumn Navigator 2005 Head of Financial Planning london London Borough of Islington, Town Hall
Webster, Lucy London Navigator - June 2003 Corporate Affairs Executive london London Development Agency, London
Wedge, Alison London Navigator Autumn 2004 Project Manager and Policy Lead: Conditional Cautions london Office for Criminal Justice Reform, London
Wharmby, Nicola Navigator - 1999 london
White, Fiona London Navigator - June 2003 Balkans Director: Operations and Plans london Ministry of Defence, London - Northumberland House
Wilkie, Nick England Navigator June 2001 london National Council for Voluntary Organisations, London
Wilkinson, Adam Navigator England November 2002 Deputy Director - Service Manager Lighthouse West London london Terrence Higgins Trust, London
Wilkinson, David Navigator England April 2002 Lieutenant Commander london Royal Navy, Northwood
Williams, Jon 20:20 - 2005 Editor london BBC, London - Television Centre
Willis, Jan 20:20 - 1997 Director of Finance and IT london London Borough of Croydon, Town Hall
Willis, Simon London Profile July 2005 london
Wills, Anthony 20:20 - 1999 Director, Pembury Consulting Ltd london
Wilson, Judy London Profile October 2005 Chief Executive london North East London Mental Health NHS Trust, Ilford
Winter, Andrew London Profile June 2005 Head of Design london Source Communications, London
Wong, Cedric England Navigator July 2001 Engineer london Arup Group Limited, London
Wong, Michelle Your Turn Residential 2004 london
Woolston, Alan London Navigator Autumn 2004 Enterprise Director london Bromley by Bow Centre, London
Wright, Cecile London Southwark Alliance Profile 2003 Chair of Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board london Metropolitan Police, London
Wubneh, Kaleb London Navigator 2000 Projects Co-Ordinator london Horn of Africa Youth Scheme, London
Wyant, Sally England Navigator June 2001 PA/Project Officer - The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Project london The Royal Marsden NHS Trust, London
Yelin, Hannah London Navigator - June 2003 Creative Account Manager london Source Communications, London
Yilala, Tsedey England Navigator July 2001 Researcher and Project Development Worker london Horn of Africa Youth Scheme, London
Young, Bruce London Profile June 2005 Head of Operations london The Pacific Institute, London
Zephirin, Walter London Navigator 2000 New Business Development Manager london ASAP Communications Ltd, London
Zera, Annette London What Next 2000 london
Vaughan, Andrew 20:20 - 2000 Industrial Missioner lincs Lincoln Industrial Mission, Lincoln
Abubakar, Zainab Leicester Navigator 2005 Director, Designer leicester Drawnthreads, Leicester
Acton, Christy Leicester Navigator 2004 Regeneration Programme Manager leicester Keynote Housing Group, Leicester
Alder, David Leicestershire Profile 2004 Head of Public and Media Relations leicester De Montfort University, Leicester - The Gateway
Atkinson, Richard Leicester Profile 2003 Archdeacon of Leicester leicester Church of England, Leicester
Awan, Imran Leicester Navigator 2004 Marketing Co-ordinator leicester Leicestershire Constabulary, Leicester - St Johns
Bateman, Matthew Leicester Navigator 2005 Funding Manager leicester Business Link, Leicester,Charnwood Court
Beaumont, Susan Leicestershire Profile 2004 Purchasing Manager leicester Bradgate Bakery, Leicester
Bhangal, Parmjit Your Turn Residential 2004 Student leicester
Bharadwa, Aarti Leicester Navigator 2005 Business Advisor leicester Leicester Asian Business Association Ltd, Leicester
Bhatt, Anand Leicester Navigator 2005 Strategic Bids Coordinator leicester National Centre for DeafBlindness, Peterborough
Bland, Matthew Leicester Navigator 2004 Activities Director leicester Youth Voice, Leicester
Browne, Dominic Leicestershire Profile 2005 Development Director leicester Leicester Regeneration Company, Leicester
Bulsara, Sanjay Leicester Navigator 2004 Fire Officer leicester Leicestershire Fire & Rescue Service, Leicester
Burn, Keith Derby Profile 2005 District Manager leicester Jobcentre Plus, Derby - St Peter's House
Burn, Keith Leicestershire Profile 2004 District Manager leicester Jobcentre Plus, Derby - St Peter's House
Cassidy, Ted 20:20 - 2000 Head of Regional Partnerships leicester De Montfort University, Innovation Centre
