
Please use the following fields to filter the list of graduates. You can click on the Apply button with all three fields empty to reset the table back to its unfiltered state.

Name Course Date Course Locationsort ascending Course Name Job Title Location Organisation
Rath, Anne NI Navigator June 2002 Executive Officer belfast Probation Board for Northern Ireland, Belfast
Rebbeck, Mark NI Navigator June 2000 Commerical Director belfast AM Development UK Ltd, Belfast
Reid, Susan 20:20 - 2005 Director for Northern Ireland belfast Victim Support, Belfast
Robinson, Stanley NI Navigator January 2003 Assistant Manager belfast Ulster Bank Limited, Belfast - Stranmillis Road
Rogan, Donal NI Navigator February 2004 Building Control Manager belfast Belfast City Council, Belfast - City Hall
Scott, Gwyneth NI Navigator November 2004 Energy Services Project Co-ordinator belfast Northern Ireland Electricity Plc, Belfast
Scullion, Bernadette NI Navigator June 2002 Lecturer in ICT belfast Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education, Belfast - Dunlewey Centre
Simpson, Audrey 20:20 - 1997 Director belfast Family Planning Association, Belfast
Simpson, Paul Belfast Profile November 2005 Tresurer belfast Victim Support, Belfast
Singer, Leah Your Turn Residential 2004 belfast
Slevin, Brian NI Navigator 2005 Student Activities Coordinator belfast Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education, Belfast - Gerald Moag Campus
Smith, Alison NI Navigator January 2003 Training Consultant belfast Department of Social Development, Belfast
Smyth, Lorna NI Navigator June 2001 Service Manager belfast Positive Futures for people with learning difficulties, Belfast
Smyth, Davin NI Navigator January 2003 Financial Analyst belfast Belfast Telegraph, Belfast
Sproule, Leonard BelfastProfileJune 2005 Programme Manager belfast Creating Common Ground Consortuim -, Belfast
Steele, William NI Navigator November 2001 Customer Relations Manager belfast NIE plc, Hillsborough
Strain, Barry NI Navigator 2005 Airside Standards Manager belfast Belfast City Airport, BELFAST
Straine, Caitriona NI Navigator June 2002 IT & Systems Manager belfast NuPrint UK, Londonderry
Sutherland, Ruth 20:20 - 2004 Director belfast rethink, Belfast
Symington, Gary NI Navigator January 2003 Project Manager belfast Upper Springfield Development Trust, Belfast
Thompson, Adrian NI Navigator June 2001 Securities Clerk belfast Ulster Bank Limited, Londonderry - Clooney Terrace
Turley, Barry NI Navigator June 2002 Senior Consultant belfast Stratagem (NI) Ltd, Belfast
Walsh, Kieran Belfast Profile November 2005 Director of Operations belfast SHAC, Belfast
Walsh, Grainne NI Navigator November 2004 Consultant belfast Stratagem (NI) Ltd, Belfast
Ward, Orla NI Navigator June 2002 Programme Co-ordinator belfast Belfast Energy Efficiency Advice Centre, Belfast
Weir, Catherine NI Navigator November 2001 Sergeant belfast Police Service of Northern Ireland, Musgrave Street
White, Jason NI Navigator January 2003 belfast
Whitford, Juliet NI Navigator February 2004 Head of Company Law Branch belfast Department of Enterprise Trade and Industry, Belfast
Wilson, Geoff NI Navigator June 2001 SME Marketing Manager belfast BT NI, Belfast - Riverside Tower
Wilson, Paul Belfast Profile - Nov 2001 Senior Sales Business Manager belfast BT NI, Belfast - Riverside Tower
Andrews, Karen South Yorkshire Profile 2005 - October Partner barnsley Nabarro Nathanson, Sheffield
Barton, Jenny FrontRunner 2005 Frontrunner participant barnsley
Blacke, Fiona 20:20 - 2005 Executive Director barnsley Learning + Skills Council South Yorkshire, Sheffield
Bryan, Vanessa South Yorkshire Profile 2005 - October Neighbourhood Manager barnsley Eastwood & Springwell Neighbourhood Management, Rotherham
Coad, Moira South Yorkshire Profile 2005 - October Director of South Yorkshire Promotions barnsley South Yorkshire Strategic Health Authority, Sheffield
Cole, Nic South Yorkshire Profile 2005 - October Senior Service Manager barnsley Rainer South Yorkshire, Sheffield
Doran, Matt East Midlands Navigator 2005 Policy Officer for the East Midlands barnsley The National Trust, Nottinghamshire
Ellis, Mark South Yorkshire Profile 2005 - October Consultant barnsley QED Consulting, Doncaster
Hawkins, Gina Mid Yorkshire Profile 2005 Director of Active Communities Programme barnsley Northern College, Barnsley
Hudson, Chris South Yorkshire Profile 2005 - October Operations Director barnsley Home Office, Sheffield
Karmy, Kate Yorkshire & the Humber Navigator 2005 Youth ServicesManager barnsley Learn to Lead, Sheffield
Khayum, Abdul Yorkshire & the Humber Navigator 2005 Alliance HA Manager barnsley South Yorkshire Housing Association, Sheffield
Kirk, Steve South Yorkshire Profile 2005 - October Chief Executive barnsley St Luke's Hospice, Sheffield
Lakhani, Janet 20:20 - 2004 Chief Executive barnsley Committed2Equality, Matlock
McKeith, Paul South Yorkshire Profile 2005 - October Senior Contracts Manager barnsley The Mears Group, Sheffield
Pickles, Andy 20:20 - 2005 Deputy Chairman barnsley Music Factory Entertainment Group, Rotherham
Soady, Sally Yorkshire & the Humber Navigator 2005 Asst Director of Informatics barnsley Sheffield West Primary Care Trust, Sheffield
St Clair, Kevin South Yorkshire Profile 2005 - October Quality Manager barnsley Gripple Ltd, Sheffield
Turner, Loraine South Yorkshire Profile 2005 - October Chief Executive barnsley Barnsley Hospice, Barnsley
Wright, Marion South Yorkshire Profile 2005 - October Assistant Chief Officer barnsley National Probation Service - South Yorkshire, Sheffield
