London Borough of Sutton Spends £11,907 for 2 day Common Purpose Behavioural Modification sessions.

The London Borough of Sutton has spent £11,907.67 on Common Purpose mind bending training for three of its staff. The attached invoice and receipts show that three people stayed overnight at the Holiday Inn London Sutton @£119 per night. This was in addition to a massive £10,000 training bill by the Common Purpose company Civilla Ltd (Developing Common Purpose world wide).

The Training is clearly described as Leadership Behaviours training. Behaviour modification is a form of Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP and is designed to change the views, values and behaviour of individuals to make them adopt a common or consensus view as their own belief system. This form of training is used by cults to achieve a slavish adherence to the cult aims and objectives.

Due to the unpredictable impact on the subconscious mind, all such training gives rise to risks of adverse mental reactions such as mood swings, personality changes and mental illness in some people. Such effects have been observed by our researchers and reported to this site by individuals concerned about friends and relatives.

When learning about Common Purpose's mind bending courses we should remember their hidden actions to link CP trained graduates (behaviour modified people) in a controlling political network of 're-framed' individuals. This is of great concern and particularly so when CP is colluding with key bodies such as the Independent Police Complaints Commission to prevent members of the public learning what CP is really doing. (See Police section of this site for more details of the IPCC).

How can Councils justify this huge expenditure on 'mind bending' courses when essential services are being lost in cost cutting measures?
