
Please use the following fields to filter the list of graduates. You can click on the Apply button with all three fields empty to reset the table back to its unfiltered state.

Name Course Date Course Location Course Namesort descending Job Title Location Organisation
Fulton, Nemonie NI Navigator January 2003 Associate Solicitor belfast Cleaver Fulton Rankin, Belfast
Gallagher, Ann NI Navigator November 2004 Housing Officer belfast Habinteg Housing Association (Ulster) Ltd, Holywood
Garvey, Lisa NI Navigator 2005 belfast Victim Support, Belfast
Gilpin, Billy Belfast Profile 01/04/03 Central Area Operations Manager belfast Translink, Belfast - Milewater Road
Greene, Fiona Belfast Profile November 2005 Policy Manager belfast Victim Support, Belfast
Gribbin, Jane NI Navigator November 2001 Development Manager belfast Ballymena Community Forum, Ballymena
Hanna, Rosemary NI Navigator February 2004 belfast Northern Ireland Court Service, Belfast - Bedford Street
Harmer, Graham NI Navigator June 2002 Major Account Manager belfast BT NI, Belfast - Riverside Tower
Healy, Siofra NI Navigator 2005 Fundraising and Marketing Manager belfast Northern Ireland Hospice Care, Belfast
Hegarty, Fiona NI Navigator 2005 Head Occupational Therapist belfast North & West Belfast Health & Social Services Trust, Iveagh Building
Hindley, Stewart NI Navigator June 2002 Constable belfast Police Service of Northern Ireland, Ballymena
Holland, Stephanie NI Navigator November 2001 Development Officer belfast Educational Guidance Service for Adults, Belfast
Howard, Amy NI Navigator November 2001 Development Manager belfast Arts & Business, London
Hurst, Cathy Belfast Profile November 2005 Public Affairs Officer belfast Consulate General of the United States, Belfast
Innis, Simon NI Navigator June 2001 Senior Financial Accountant belfast Phoenix Natural Gas, Belfast
Irvine, Clare NI Navigator June 2002 Legal Assistant belfast Office of Law Reform, Belfast
Jardine, Karen NI Navigator 2005 Public Affairs and Development Officer belfast Evangelical Alliance, Netownabbey
Johnston, Barbara NI Navigator 2005 Resources Officer belfast SHAC, Belfast
Keane, Alisa NI Navigator June 2000 Student Development Advisor belfast NUS - USI, Belfast
Kearney, Jane NI Navigator June 2000 Project Officer - Grant Tracker belfast Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action, Belfast
Kennedy, Gayle NI Navigator November 2004 Deputy Principal Statistician belfast Department Of Employment & Learning, Belfast
Knox, Jeffrey NI Navigator June 2002 Operations Controller - Citybus belfast Translink, Short Strand Depot
Leckey, Catherine NI Navigator June 2001 belfast NSPCC, Belfast
Lee, Dean NI Navigator June 2002 Race Relations & Training Officer belfast Chinese Welfare Association, Belfast
Leonard, Laura NI Navigator June 2001 Economic Development Officer belfast Belfast City Council, Belfast - Cecil Ward Building
Lindsay, Steven 20:20 - 2002 Partner belfast Moore Stephens, Londonderry
Linney, Claire NI Navigator June 2002 Economic Development Manager belfast Belfast City Council, Belfast - Cecil Ward Building
Little, Marc NI Navigator January 2003 Crown Court Clerk belfast Northern Ireland Court Service, Belfast - Laganside Courts
Long, Paula NI Navigator 2005 belfast South & East Belfast HSS Trust, Belfast
Loughran, Elizabeth NI Navigator June 2002 Deputy Principal belfast Department for Social Development, Belfast
Lowry, David NI Navigator June 2002 Graduate Management Trainee belfast Translink, Belfast - Engineering Division
Lyttle, George NI Navigator 2005 belfast Bryson House, Belfast
Magee, Grainne NI Navigator 2005 Research & Information Officer belfast Stratagem (NI) Ltd, Belfast
Magill, Carol NI Navigator November 2004 Senior Information Officer belfast Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Belfast
Mahood, Greta Belfast Profile November 2005 Chair belfast Victim Support, Belfast
Martin, Stephen NI Navigator June 2001 Deputy Personnel Officer belfast Social Security Agency, Belfast - Churchill House
Martindale, Jonathan NI Navigator November 2004 Team Leader, Residential Sales belfast Phoenix Natural Gas, Belfast
McAleavey, Seamus 20:20 - 2003 Chief Executive belfast Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action, Belfast
McAllister, Declan NI Navigator February 2004 Senior Officer Housing Policy belfast Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Belfast
McBride, Amanda NI Navigator June 2001 Senior Account Manager belfast ntl:, Belfast
McBride, Mark NI Navigator November 2001 Senior Youth Worker belfast Belfast Education & Library Board, Upper Shankill Area Project
McCandless, Frances 20:20 - 2005 Director of Policy belfast Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action, Belfast
McCann, Denise NI Navigator November 2004 Member Services Manager belfast Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action, Belfast
McClean, David NI Navigator 2005 Networks Manager belfast Water Service, Downpatrick
McClure, Caroline NI Navigator June 2001 Media Resource NI Officer belfast Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action, Belfast
McCorry, Emmet NI Navigator June 2000 Sales Supervisor belfast Coca-Cola Plc, Lisburn
McCracken, Adrian NI Navigator November 2001 belfast
McCracken, Kenneth NI Navigator January 2003 Customer Relations Manager belfast NIE plc, Bangor
McCready, Connor NI Navigator June 2002 Business Development Manager belfast Coca-Cola Plc, Lisburn
McDermott, Stella NI Navigator January 2003 Casework Manager - Northern Ireland belfast Heritage Lottery Fund, Belfast
